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After school / Science


Q1. Where Are You From? / 出身地

I am from the country of bananas, The Philippines!

Q2. What Were You Like As A Child? / どんな子供でしたか?

I was a pretty energetic kid. When I was a child, I used to visit my friends at their residences and play outdoor activities. I made a lot of friends as I was pretty sociable. Surely I was an extroverted kid! Moreover, I was a big fan of science. I loved doing experiments. I felt elated when I see any type of chemical reaction!

Q3. What Jobs Have You Had In The Past? / これまでの職歴

Way back in high school, I had tutorial jobs teaching elementary students math and science. After graduating from college, I worked as a Science Research Assistant (SRA) at a Pest Management Laboratory doing Molecular Biology experiments. During my stay in Japan, I worked with several agencies/institutions. I worked as a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a Japanese Culture Class at my university. I have also been doing part-time jobs teaching junior and senior high school students from different schools in Japan. I love to share my knowledge with younger generations - the future of our world!

Q4. What Things Do You Love? / 好きなもの

・I love doing science experiments. I love Science!
・I love socializing, making friends. I can talk for hours!
・I like to travel. I spend most of my money traveling.
・I love music. I often go to karaoke with friends and sing my heart out.
・I love to play games (mobile and switch games) [Trivia: playing games helped me learn English faster!]

Q5. What Do You Want Children To Learn? / こどもたちに身につけてもらいたいこと

At a young age, I want the kids to realize the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as they are the future of the nation or the world in general. Also, as a scientist and a researcher myself, I want the kids to realize the beauty of science and experience different experiments, especially things that I haven't learned when I was a kid. Moreover, I want them to realize the importance of English as a universal language, and I want them to learn at a young age.

Q6. Message To Students / メッセージ

There is no royal road to learning something new. English is not my mother tongue, so I was once like you learning and deciphering the beauty of the English language. Also, please remember that mistakes are okay, so never be afraid of making mistakes. Keep learning, take it slowly, and do it with passion! Best of luck, youngsters!

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(14:30 - 18:00)


(14:30 - 18:00)


レンガ教室 杉並区松庵3-31-16-102

Mirai教室 杉並区西荻北2-2-16



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