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Craft & Play / After School


Q1. Where Are You From? / 出身地

Timmins Which people have been living for 6000 years. The bulk of my childhood was in Brimley Ontario just outside of Toronto.
6000年前から人類が住んでいたとされるTimminsというところで生まれました。子供時代のほとんどはトロントの外にあるBrimley Ontarioというところで過ごしました。

Q2. What Were You Like As A Child? / どんな子供でしたか?

I was an outdoorsman playing hockey and fishing at any time I could.

Q3. What Jobs Have You Had In The Past? / これまでの職歴

I’ve done a variety of jobs ranging from nursing assistant to hotel management and some construction working

Q4. What Things Do You Love? / 好きなもの

Some of the things that I love are getting in a small boat floating to the middle of the lake putting a fishing line out and relaxing the entire day or playing some ice hockey and drinking lots of hot chocolate in between

Q5. What Do You Want Children To Learn? / こどもたちに身につけてもらいたいこと

Foremost what I want from children is to be happy and enjoy learning new things together with the hope that what they learn they can use in the future

Q6. Message To Students / メッセージ

The message Is come to Hannah House as we explore new things together in a fun Environment as we learn about each other and other things in the English world

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